
All students from Grade 6 to 12 are invited to join us on Wednesday nights!


Wednesday nights are a weekly rhythm for our youth community to participate in and grow in. They are the primary way we live out our vision to help students discover faith, experience belonging and step into purpose. We have epic games, times of worship and teaching from the Bible, and space to process the big questions of life in small groups!


Junior Youth students (Grades 6-8) attend from 6:45-8:30 pm.

Senior Youth students (Grades 9-12) attend from 7:00-9:00 pm.


Youth nights take place here at Ridge Church – 22155 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC. Pickup and drop-off take place on the West side of the building.  Any offsite events will be communicated on our Instagram and through our weekly parent emails!

Current Series
Counterfeit Gods

In our world, many things try to pull our affections away from God by promising to fulfill the longings of our hearts. Feeling enough, satisfaction and happiness, and being loved and known. Good desires and needs that we want to be met, however, when we look to anything other than God, it becomes a counterfeit god.