
COMMUNITY Study Questions 

  1. Would you consider yourself to be a “peaceful” person? What do you think makes someone peaceful?
  2. What makes peace elusive to find? What factors do you think contribute to this in your own life?
  3. Read John 14:25-27 
    1. What “phony peace” from the world do you find yourself turning to when you feel anxious, tired or stressed out?
  4. The Bible tells us that Jesus has “MADE PEACE” for us. How is the peace Jesus gives different than the peace the world offers?
  5. How do we distinguish between behaviour modification and character development? How can we work to grow in your faith (prayer, Bible, disciplines, etc) without thinking we can save ourselves?
  6. Is there something holding you back from abiding in Jesus (anxiety, depression, etc.)? How can we as a community support you in this part of your journey?


  1. Continued prayer for the Hull family as they walk through the treatment of their 2 year olds Leukemia treatment.  
  2. Prayer for Pastor Daniel, his wife Deseree and son Linden as they begin to serve and become part of our Ridge Church family.
  3. Prayer for those in our circles that are struggling with mental health/illness and that we would reach out and let them know they are known and thought of by us 
  4. Prayer for our own mental health -- and the ability to abide in Christ...