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For over 100 years Maple Ridge Baptist Church has been part of our community.  From its very beginning back in 1912 the mission of our church has always been to proclaim the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ and to serve our city in Jesus’ name.  That same year -- in 1912 -- the first church building was built and ever since our church building has been the central hub where gather as a church each week and from where we scatter to share the gospel in our community.

Over the years God has blessed the ministry of MRBC and as the church grew, twice more the church moved and built larger buildings.  Today we have a good building in a great location in the heart of Maple Ridge. However our building is beginning to age and it is time for this generation of Maple Ridge Baptist Church to care for this amazing resource that God has entrusted to us.  That is why, in 2017, our church set out to raise $1.3 million to refinish the outside of our building. There are three reasons why we are doing this now:

  • It is good stewardship:  Our building is getting older and has been leaking for some time.  To fix the building is to be good stewards of what God has given us and it honors the sacrifice of the generations before us who built it so that we can use it each week.
  • It is welcoming: Updating our building will make it more welcoming to our community and to those whom we invite to come and join us on Sundays and throughout the week.
  • We are part of the community:  Updating our building communicates to our community that there is something significant happening here -- that our church is alive and growing and that we are part of our community and have much to offer it.

Since the Building Campaign started we have received over half of the $1.3 million pledged.  Architectural renderings have been drawn up and plans for construction are moving forward. However there is much to be done and we want to ensure that we finish this project without incurring debt.  Many have already given generously to this project and we are incredibly grateful for their faithful giving and their sacrifice. If you haven't already pledged, we invite you to join us as we build for the future of God's work at MRBC.

If you have questions or would like more information, please email

To pledge, please fill out the form by clicking here.

Thank you for your role in preparing our church building for this next stage of ministry.


Jonathan Neufeld