COMMUNITY Study Questions

  1. Do you think it is accurate to say that Christians (as whole) in our society are often considered the least likely to be people of love?  Why or why not? 
  2. In Jesus’ day it was the Pharisees -- the religious conservatives -- who most challenged Jesus over the way that he loved others.  
    1. Why is it that people who are more conservative religiously are more likely to be judgemental of others? 
    2.  Is there a contradiction between loving others and holding clear convictions about what we believe and how we live?  (i.e. How do we love people without becoming ‘all liberal’ in our theology?)  
  3. Read Luke 6:32 - 36. 
    1. How does viewing most of life through the lens of self-interest affect a person’s view of their relationship with…
      1. God? 
      2. Church?
      3. Spouse? 
      4. Others?
  4. Read John 15:8 - 13.  
    1. How does keeping Jesus’ command make our joy complete? (v. 11) 
    2. Is it actually possible for us to love the way that Jesus loved us? How does walking by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25) help us to see more love in our lives?